California Licensed Companies
Individual Carriers
May include extra carriers not in Compare Carriers
Has all insurers willing to be included. Select "Carrier" at the top-right.
The links here go direct to the insurer's website if it has online quoting.
Otherwise, they go to Compare Carriers or a dedicated page.
Simplify the Compare Carriers results by using the drop-down boxes at the top.
Reputable Insurers:
These are well-established health insurance companies, with good reputations, and in financial good standing with the state's insurance regulator.
Premiums cannot be lower
For any plan, no matter how you apply, the insurer's charge to you is the same. There is no lower rate for it than when we take your application. Insurers
could use only employees, but they also set a payment for licensed independent contractors to produce applications. Insurers pay us, you don't. The quotes-premiums are from the insurers, not from us. Apply direct with our help.